Our History

רב ראובן אהרן אלבז נ״י שליט״א


2011-2023         Milk n’Honey Kosher Pizza Orlando-Kissimmee-Tampa, USA 

2004-                 Round the World Fund Rising and Torah Lecturing 

2005-2006         Countries : Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Russia, Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia,                             Tahiti, USA, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Martinique, Guadeloupe.         

1999- 2003       Manager and Director of Production and Developments               Kosher Productions. Imported frozen goods.

                        Trident Food Products, Ltd.

                        France Direct 2000, Ltd.

                        La Viennoiserie Française, Ltd.  

                        London, UK

1996-1999         London Beis Din (LBD) Chef Rabbinical Supervisor for Peptone Primex AS-Bergen,                               Norway and Gothenburg, Sweden

1992 – 1996       Rakusen Matzoh Manufacturing Production Supervisor –Leeds, U.K

1988-1992     Manchester Kashrus (MKS) Kosher Poultry LTD Collingham St-Cheetham Hill,  

                           Manchester, U.K


2002-2006         Collel Dvar Abraham Rabbinical University -Marseille, France

1988                  N.V.Q National Vocabulary Qualification English A-Level 

                        Lancaster College, UK

1986-1994         Talmudical Academy –Pinto Talmudical Centre – Manchester, UK 

Yeshiva Gedolah 

1985-1986         High School (Bachelor)  BAC A (Niveau 4) Lycée Jules Ferry,

                        Coulommiers, France 

Languages: French, English, Spanish, Ladino, Hebrew, Arabic, Yiddish, German, some Japanese.                                

understand Italian and Portuguese